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The Average Score for this category is: 3.33
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United Kingdom
4"x2"x2" wave front marine tank
aqua one 1000lh canister filter for mechanical / biological
fluval 205 filled with filter floss and carbon/poly filter for chemical
50kg of Fiji live rock from four different established tanks + Carib sea live sand
Venturi 600 skimmer + ozone injection
1 seio m820 power head
Two 10,000k flo's
Two Marine blues
Biological filtration- BIGGER is BETTER oversize your filters patience. everything will clear up once the tank is established and the key to success is water changes
Fish Kept:
1 x Yellow Tang, pair of Maroon Clowns, Two yellow tail Damsels 10 x red leg hermits and a star fish
1 x Galaexa + colony of 12 pink zoos
Tank Size:
34 gallons
Knowledge is the Key
About Yourself:
This is my first marine tank its 2 months old had no problems/deaths to date i used second hand live rock to boost cycle along with Carib sea live sand all readings are 0 with a trace of phosphate