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United States
Not sure about my dimensions, so sorry for that...
Lighting: Power-Glo 20 watt
Filtration: 1 Aquaclear 30 (old model 150)
1 Aquaclear 50 (old model 200)
Heating: Rena Smart Heater 100w (hooked up to filter for maximum efficiency). I paid a little extra for the smart heater because of the quality difference. You get what you pay for with this one. It truly is a great heater.
Bubbler: Elite80 with ceramic air stone for higher durability and better quality than most air stones.
Substrate: Aragonite (50 lbs)
Read a book on aquariums. Find a fish you really want and then use a fish compatibilty chart to see which fish species are compatible. Furthermore, adapt your own style aquarium. Don't buy overpriced cheap and distasteful decorations from pet stores. Do something fun and maybe even innovative to really involve yourself with your aquarium and you will appreciate it that much more. Always remember to take your time and cycle your tank properly. Impulse buying is hard to get around sometimes in this hobby, but if you just wait you will feel a lot better in the long run.
Fish Kept:
4 Kenyi Cichlids (Pseudotrophis Lombardoi) Male and 3 Females
3 Yellow Labs (Labidochromis Caeruleus) 1 Male and 2 Females
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<p>I bought some really cool mediterranean travertine slabs from Home Depot some were broken so that made them perfect to stack. I also have rocks that were collected from Vancouver Island, B.C. and some carved stone I found at a pet store.</p>
<p>Plants: 2 Amazon Swords (that has taken off quite well since I bought it); 4 Corkscrew Vallisneria (arent doing so great, but are pretty inexpensive around $1.49); 1 Moneywort</p>
Tank Size:
30 gallons
About Yourself:
I was about 15 when I got my first tank and it was a 30 gallon saltwater and I had a pretty nice setup. Sadly all my fish died because of an ick outbreak that could not be controlled. That encounter was my first huge loss of money ($200 worth of fish). I go to college full-time for a physics degree and wish to work for NASA someday.