Photo #4 - Three Of My Julii Corydoras. Busy Little Guys, T...

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State: California
Country: United States
Description: I have 6 tanks, ranging from 7.5g to 80g, see below. All of my tanks are glass, except for one acrylic SeaClear tank. I use only *fishless* cycling methods and I can cycle a 20 gallon tank in about 10 days without fish. I prefer to use Eco-Complete substrate in my planted tanks, and in my non-planted tanks in case I should choose to plant them one day. My planted tanks use T5 lighting, 3-5 wpg, non-planted tanks use standard flourescent lights. I use only HOB filters, my preference being Marineland's Penguin filters, although I do use some others. I change my water weekly in most of my tanks, about every 10 days in my oldest tanks. I use a Python and it is done zippety fast! My water is very hard with a pH around 8.0. My parameters usually read Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 10-20 in all my tanks.
Advice: Start slowly, buy the biggest tank you can properly support (weight/dimension wise) in your home, thoroughly research the fish's wants/needs before you buy them, and consider fishless cycling as a humane option. Don't keep bettas in bowls and do keep schooling fish in *schools*.
Fish Kept: 7.5 Gallon Cube Planted 3 Female Bettas 80 Gallon Long Established March 2009. 3 Pearl Gourami, 1 Angelfish, large school of Neon Tetras, 6 Tiger Barbs, 4 Emerald Green Corydora, several Otocinclus, 1 Yo-Yo Loache. 29 Gallon SeaClear Tank 6 Blue Tetras, 4 Badis Badis, and 3 Bolivian Rams (Larry, Mo, and Curly). 20 Long Planted 2 Dwarf Chain Loaches, 3 Corydoras Pygmaeus, 3 Otocinclus, 1 Red Shrimp, 3 Amano Shrimp, 6 Black Neon Tetras, 5 Sparkling Gourami, a few Microrasboras. 10 Gallon Planted Red Cherry Shrimp Tank 10 Gallon Planted 1 White Crayfish (Snowball) 4 Zebra Danios
Tank Size: 10 gallons
Quote: If it can't be solved by talking to a fish, it can't be solved.
About Yourself: I live in Southern California and am a psychotherapist. My interests include golf, poker, my 2 dogs and 2 cats, and now my fish. I don't remember why I got my first Betta about 4 years ago, but that got me hooked on having at least one Betta nearby. In recently learning that keeping Bettas in vases is actually cruel, I was exposed to the fish/aquarium hobby, fell in love with it, and got a real tank. Now I can't keep my arm out of it or my eyes off it.


Great pic! I love those little guys! fish avatar
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