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This picture looks better than 81.94% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.98
This picture has been rated : 374 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.91
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New York
United States
125 gallon All Glass Aquarium with matching light oak stand and canopy
3 175 watt Metal Halide 10,000K (UH1-5) Ushio bulbs
Metal Halide Assembly- (2) 1 single, 1 double
single-(PC) 1 175 watt ballast assmebly: 1.8amp; 1 lamp 216 watt
double-(PC) 2 175 watt ballast assembly 120 volt; 1.8amp; 1 lamp; 216watt
2 Power Compact CustomSeaLife Bulbs- (2) 96 watt ultra actinic; twin tube; 10Q base(4 pin); 34 overall length; 32.5 bulb only
Power Compact Ballast- CustomSeaLife; 2 lamp; 96 watt ballast asembley; 1.45amp; 175 watt; 120 volt
Input Pump (Skimmer)- SEN-700GA; 115V/60Hz; 700 gal/h; 13 feet head
Output Pump (Return)- CustomSeaLife Velocity T3, model #77830; 800gal/hr, 3 foot head
Chiller/UV Pump- Eheim #1048; 158 gal/h; 120v/60Hz
Skimmer- E.T.S.S. Evolution 600
UV Sterilizer- Aqua Ultraviolet 25 watt w/ wiper
Chiller- ViaAqua model#CC-25; 120volt; 2amp; 1/4 hp
Heaters- (2) 300 watt AquaVia titanium heaters
Powerheads- (2) powerhead 201
(1) powerhead 802
(1) powerhead 301
Live Rock- 260lbs various types: Caribbean, Tonga, Fiji.
Red Sea Sailfin Tang
Pacific Blue Tang
Big Longnose Butterflyfish
Bicolor Goatfish
Flame Angelfish
Clark Anemonefish
False Percula Anemonefish (2)
Maroon Anemonefish
Ocellaris Anemonefish (2)
Blue Damselfish
Yellowtail Blue Damselfish (2)
Fire Goby
Brittle Star
Turbo Snails
Giant Feather Duster
Red Legged Hermit Crabs
Blue Legged Hermit Crabs
Peppermint Shrimp
Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp (2)
Sand Sifting Star (3)
Ricordea Florida
Ricordea Yuma
Rhodactis cf. mussoides
Discosoma carlgreni
Mushroom Anemone (red variation)
Long Tentacle Anemone
Branching Flowerpot Coral
Finger Coral
Acropora (birdnest)
Hammer Coral
Open Brain Coral
Trumpet Coral
Feather Gorgonian
Toadstool Coral
Finger Leather
Hydnophora pilosa
Pipe Organ