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United States
Tank has undergone another transformation. Changed the substrate and the plants in November of 2009. It is a very simplistic approach to planted tanks. NO stem plants are included in this tank.
It is taking a lot longer to grow in than I anticipated especially the parva.
Read, read, read. Grab every book, magazine internet article you can find on the fish and plants you are interested in. There is a lot of misinformation out there on the internet but the more you read the quicker you will be able to decipher fact from fiction.
Fish Kept:
Discus, a clown pleco, two panda cories and a school of Lemon Tetras. I'm also saving to buy a group of sterbai cories. There is also a lone rummy nosed tetra left. I had those for years and they began to die off. Not sure if there is an ugly old picture of a rummy under my tank somewhere this fish has to be at least 6 years old.
Cryptocoryne balanse
Cryptocoryne lutea
Cryptocoryne parva
Cryptocoryne pontederifolia
Cryptocoryne retrospiralis
Cryptocoryne wendtii bronze, red, green
Eleocharis parvula (Dwarf hairgrass)
Microsorum pterous (Java Fern)
Nymphaea zenkeri (Red Tiger Lotus)
Vesicularia dubyana (Java Moss)
Tank Size:
75 gallons
What's more baby I can cook
About Yourself:
I had fish as a kid and always said I would get another tank as an adult. My husband finally purchased a 30 gallon for my birthday. That was in 1992. I have been hooked ever since. In the early days I kept a community tank and eventually decided that I loved the cichlids of South America. I kept dwarf cichlids for a few years and then moved to Angelfish. I have had some sort of Angelfish in my tank for the last few years. I had a brief stint with Altum Angels and now I am in love with Discus. Ironically enough when I changed teh tank I was going to invest in a group of pearl gourami's thus the dark background and dark substrate. Discus usually look better (don't pepper or darken) with lighter background and substrate but they were a gift. Once the plants grow in not much of the substrate will show anyway.