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The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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South Africa
Aqua H20 Tigris 66 Bowed Front 50Gallon/190 litre On cabinet. Cannister Filtration (3 stage) 850litres per hour. Decor:Sandstone rock from local surf spot / reef and crushed gravel substrate from Pet Shop . 1 x 300 watt heater 1 x 20watt aqua glo white and 15 watt blue tube
New at this (First Tank) so STILL LEARNING - READ READ READ!!! ALSO Use sites such as this for info and tips on set ups ect VERY HELPFUL
Decide on the type of fish you want first then plan from there. Be patient with your set up. FILTRATION IS KEY and KNOW THE NITROGEN CYLCE Clean Decor and substrate thoroughly Choose the correct Fish not just anything in stock at the moment. It may be tedious to start BUT it will pay off long term (I hope)
Fish Kept:
Malawi Cichlids Mbunas 17 In total mixed
A few plastic plants
Tank Size:
50 gallons
Live Life
About Yourself:
Own my own business. Sales agent for numerous Footwear Manufacturers and importers / distributors of Formal Fashion Comfort and safety
Always been interested in fish Find them very relaxing and therapeutic. Grew up in the ocean diving and surfing. Never got around to setting up a tank. Now I am 32 and it is time. Probably inspired by a mate of mines set up around 400Gallon Malawi Cichlid tank. Keen to hear anyones thoughts on my set up, LIKES DISLIKES SUGGESTIONS ect