Photo #1 - Jaguar Cichlid(male) This Is The Most Aggresive F...

Submitted By: PAUL on
Photo Caption: JAGUAR CICHLID(MALE) this is the most aggresive fish I have ever had! This fish has to be kept alone! This fish is now about 15 inches long now and is about 3 years old. This fish was in a 75 gallon tank, but I had to move him back to a 69 gallon hex tank because he would swim as fast as he could into side of the 75 gallon tank trying to attack anything that came near the tank.I feared the fish would kill himself one day doing this as he has already broke the 2 front teeth he used to have.He will also pick up anything (rocks decorations etc..) and ram the tank with them so hard you will think the glass is going to break!(Pea size gravel is best with this fish)He will also attack the tube on the filter and push it sideways to the point that he almost knocks the filter off the back of the tank.As for water changes and cleaning of the tank this is a good 1...Majority of people will not agree with my upkeep of this fishes tank.I dont do hardly nothing!(magnetic scraper for algea and filter changes) This fish moves gravel ALL the time sturring the tank up! So the filter does all the work plus some help from the fish.THIS FISH WILL JUMP OUT OF THE TANK TO ATTACK YOU! So trying to put your hands in the tank with this fish is questionable or putting your face around an uncovered tank.I feed this fish pellet food and occasionally i will feed live shiners from the bait store,but Ive found live food creates high nitrates so filter changes are more often with live food. Overall this is an exciting fish to have it is the most interactive fish I have ever seen and is always getting my attention

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freshwater fish - parachromis managuensis - jaguar cichlid stocking in 5 gallons tank - JAGUAR CICHLID(MALE) this is the most aggresive fish I have ever had! This fish has to be kept alone! This fish is now about 15 inches long now and is about 3 years old. This fish was in a 75 gallon tank, but I had to move him back to a 69 gallon hex tank because he would swim as fast as he could into side of the 75 gallon tank trying to attack anything that came near the tank.I feared the fish would kill himself one day doing this as he has already broke the 2 front teeth he used to have.He will also pick up anything (rocks decorations etc..) and ram the tank with them so hard you will think the glass is going to break!(Pea size gravel is best with this fish)He will also attack the tube on the filter and push it sideways to the point that he almost knocks the filter off the back of the tank.As for water changes and cleaning of the tank this is a good 1...Majority of people will not agree with my upkeep of this fishes tank.I dont do hardly nothing!(magnetic scraper for algea and filter changes) This fish moves gravel ALL the time sturring the tank up! So the filter does all the work plus some help from the fish.THIS FISH WILL JUMP OUT OF THE TANK TO ATTACK YOU! So trying to put your hands in the tank with this fish is questionable or putting your face around an uncovered tank.I feed this fish pellet food and occasionally i will feed live shiners from the bait store,but Ive found live food creates high nitrates so filter changes are more often with live food. Overall this is an exciting fish to have it is the most interactive fish I have ever seen and is always getting my attention
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freshwater fish - parachromis managuensis - jaguar cichlid stocking in 5 gallons tank - wanted to put a pic up so u can compare his pain in back ground is 12 inches wide the fish is about 6 inches away from the glass on this side of the tank there are six sides
freshwater fish - parachromis managuensis - jaguar cichlid stocking in 5 gallons tank - Pic taken of Jaguar Cichlid (male) 4/17/2010
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Ranked #86 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide
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The Average Score for this category is: 7.13

More Info

State: Florida
Country: United States
Description: I HAVE 8 (5 GALLON TO 120 GALLON)
Advice: It always starts with 1 fish
Fish Kept: ARCHERS OSCARS PEACOCK BASS JAGUAR CICHLID(m/f) BLACK KNIFE,Electic blue Jack Dempsies,feshwater flounder,fancy guppies,tetras,cat fish(upsidedown,albino channel,glass,walking,asian)dragon gobies,Electic blue crawfish
Tank Size: 5 gallons
About Yourself: I am 37 have been doing the fish thing over the past 15 trs off and on.This last time im going 6 yrs strong.It started with a 39 gallon tank and 2 tiger oscars the size of 1 inch.II now have 3 55gallon,1 75 gallon,1 120 gallon 1 10 gallon and 1 5 gallon.I love fish!I love to go fishing also.I figured if I cant live with fish I will have them live with me.The only thing closer to me than my fish is my Tree Service and my dog(my best friend).


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