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This picture looks better than 33.53% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.87
This picture has been rated : 15 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
Dimensions (inches): 15x24x60
Type: Acryilic with closed Hood
Lighting: 2 x 40w T8
Top filter powered by 2600L/h powerhead and Dolphin External Canister 1200L/h
50 kgs of coarse white gravel
20 kgs of slate rock
Other Accessories:
DigiTemp submersible thermometer
Magnetic Algae Scrapper
Dolphin battery powered gravel cleaner
Some artificial plant decoration
I'm a new hobbyist myself, but have been quite successfully so far.
I beleive that perfection comes with commitment to what ever you are doing.
Research well, do a lot of reading and understand the fundamentals and stick by the ground rules and nothing will go wrong.
There are a lot of experts out there, so open up and interact with people in the hobby on fourms.
Good luck and God Bless!
Fish Kept:
Golden Severum, Spotted Scat, Frontosa, Silver Dollar, Firemouth, Silver Moony, Orange Morph, Albino Shark, Tiger Barbs, Peacock Eel, Spotted Gar
Tank Size:
100 gallons