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This picture looks better than 84.39% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 6.09
This picture has been rated : 235 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.23
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United States
10 gallon AGA, mostly zoos and shrooms, lots of ricordia, some blastos, saddle back clown, diamond-back goby, bi-color blenny, about 50lbs live rock, 80 watts power compact by current usa
Nothing good happens quickly in Reefkeeping, BE PATIENT!!! If you think you're ready to put something new in wait three more days! READ READ READ, either you do it before, and prevent the problem, or you do it after you make a mistake and are trying desperately to avert an absolute catastrophe (this is not fun). Realize you are putting the lives of millions of little helpless creatures in your hands, be prepaired for this responsibility, or dont even think about getting into this hobby, go buy a beta....lastly, have fun and enjoy every challenge, cause there are lots of em!
Fish Kept:
Male and female saddleback Clowns, Bangai Cardinal
frogspawn,various zoos, blasto, ricordia florida/yuma,mushrooms, maxima clam
Tank Size:
10 gallons