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This picture looks better than 14.63% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.26
This picture has been rated : 50 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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United States
I actually have six tanks:
Oceanic 58 Gallon Show - Goldfish / Canaliculata Snails
All-Glass 55 Gallon Long - Goldfish / Dojo Loaches / Betta / Brigi Snail
All-Glass 20 Gallon High - Blood Parrots / Canaliculata Snail
All-Glass 10 Gallon - Goldfish / Brig Snails / Dojo Loaches
Eclipse 5 Gallon - Fancy Guppies / Brig Snail
2.5 Gallon - Crowntail Betta
See individual pictures for more information.
Always follow the 10 gallons per goldfish rule of thumb; if you do not, you'll lose your investment.
Fish Kept:
Largely fancy goldfish, some dojo loaches, guppies, bettas, and a tank of blood parrots.
20 Gallon High soon to be stocked with an assortment of low-light/hardier plants.
Tank Size:
55 gallons
"There is nothing you can say you'll never do, for second thoughts make liars of us all."
About Yourself:
I am 29 years old and I work in sales, but my passion is my fish. I have six tanks that range in size from 2.5 gallons to 58 gallons and largely keep goldfish. I also have blood parrots, dojo loaches, canaliculata snails, brig snails, guppies and bettas.