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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United Kingdom
It is a 4" tank with a 2" WWII Boat in side, there are only 3 in there at the moment but more will be in soon! i have mixed (white, blue and drak blue). As for the filler, it has a UV light inside of it that will kill germs as it bring the water though.
I also have a "2 tank with everything in but i will only update the 2" tank
that is about it for now.
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Fish Kept:
4" tank ~ 2xSword tails, 5x Angel fish, 2x clown loaches, 1x brislnose fish, 2x like shark fish and more but i dont know the names to them.
2" tank ~ now has been taken out side for a very good clean for my mum to have her very own gold fish ^_^
I binned it :( it was dieing
Tank Size:
47 gallons
Feeding time!!
About Yourself:
Student at college doing computering course, i just like water therefore fish just come with it ^_^