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United States
My tank is a 40 gallon breeder tank, argonite sand for substrate. Coral skeleton pieces to keep the ph at a steady 8.0 for my Mbuma cichlids. I'm using a marineland 55 gallon canister filter, current usa salletite led light strip. I'm also using a 80 gallon air pump, & I had real plants in the tank, but the cichlids & algae eaters enjoy eating them. I treat the water by the gallon, using prime to condition the water, also using API fresh water aquarium salt about the size of a quarter in my hand & about 5 drops of Prime per gallon. I keep the temp around 78 to 80 degrees. I use a 80 gallon circulation pump to keep currents in the tank.
Let your water cycle first for a few days before adding fish. Have back up heaters & filter equipment & chemicals for a start up tank cycle, have stuff for ick & disease for the fish. Using the salts for the tank also promote health Gil function & treat disease in the tank. Be patient with the tank it'll take some time to get acclimated & healthy bacteria.
Fish Kept:
Red Zebra Cichlid, Electric Yellow Cichlid, Electric Blue Cichlid, Demasoni Cichlid, Sailfin Pleco (L-83)
Plastic plants , fake corals
Tank Size:
40 gallons