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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
More Info
103 Litres / 27 Gallons cube tank.
- 47cm square cube tank. Custom made by the best glass tank maker in Sydney.
- Rimless 6mm glass, clear silicone. Includes all glass lids with handle.
- Solid pine wood cabinet built by professional aquarium cabinet maker. Water proofed stained and painted gloss black.
- Extra thick and safe styrofoam, cut to tank size, for tank saftey. Peace in mind.
- Eheim 2215 (350) Canister filter with all filter bio media and double taps. 620 litres per hour. (Rated for tanks up to 350 litres) - 15 watts
- Eheim Jager 100 watt heater. (Rated for tanks up to 150 litres) - 100 watts
- Beamswork 300 super slim LED light. 6500K. Moonlight/Daylight option. - 6 watts
- Serenity freshwater substrate gravel - Coffs Harbour natural colour course. 100% natural gravel.
- Aquarium large natural Pagoda / Niwa rock decorations. 100% natural rock.
- Natural Gold Vine driftwood. 100% natural.
Read up as much info as you can online and ask as many questions at your local aquariums.
Shop around for best prices.
Fish Kept:
Blue Cobalt Cichlid
Tank Size:
27 gallons