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The Average Score for this category is: 2.47
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North Carolina
United States
I have a 155 gallon bowfront glass aquarium with currently fifty fish and eight or nine invertebrates. I am incubating a bamboo shark egg, approximately a month away from hatching. I have currently easily 100 lbs of live rock in the tank.
Have a great deal of money to spend on your hobby and be PATIENT. It is not hard once the tank is set up but the initial startup takes time.
Fish Kept:
Queen Angel, Blue Face, Emporer, Yellow Tang, Purple Tang, Sailfin Tang, Saddleback Butterfly, Hippo (Surgeon), Dragon Goby, Lawnmower Blenny, Scooter, two Manderin Goby, Purple Tail goby, Red Tail Dartfish, 3 Bar Goby, 3 Engineer Goby, 3 Bangai, 2 Pajama Cardinal, Niger Trigger, Six-lined Wrasse, Checker Board Wrasse, Green Chromis, 2 Nemo, Horse shoe Crab, 3 Emerald Crabs, 2 Urchins, Hawkfish, 4 Starfish, Singapore Angel, Yellow Angel, Anthias, Zebra and Turbo snails,
Mushrooms, Sun polyps, Bubble coral, plate anemone
Tank Size:
155 gallons