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United States
I have a 46 gallon bow front fish tank. Using rainbow rock and mopani wood for decor. I have a Fluval 405 canister filter for filtration. Aqueon 150 for my heater. I just replaced my air pump with a penguin 550 and 1150 powerhead. I learned powerheads are better than an air pump for oxygenation and water movement. Im using white silica sand instead of gravel.
If you dont have patience look for a new hobby. Be ready to spend money for a nice tank setup. If your going to keep fish keeping as a hobby absorb as much info from people who currently have successful tanks.
Fish Kept:
African Cichlid. All rock dwellers.
11Total Fish!!!
Male and a Female Exasperatus.
Male and a Female Cobalt Zebra
Male and a Female Pseudo "Deep"
Female Red Cobalt.
2 Albino Bushnoses and a Reg Bushnose.
And one Male Hybrid
I have fake plants. Not into real plants too much.
Tank Size:
46 gallons
About Yourself:
Im a Service Coordinator for a large HVAC/Refrigeration Company for the Chicago land area.