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United States
250g Oceanic Freshwater.
Equipment :
1-2260 Eheim canister filter.
3-Rio 2500 powerheads with custom sponge filters
2-Emperor 400's for surface filtration
1-Coralife 12X36 Watt UV sterilizer
1-System 1 Diatom filter i use once a week.
6-250 watt Visitherm stealth heaters
4-Marineland 660r powerheads.
2-36" Coralife Colormax bulbs and fixtures.
1-36" Coralife Actinic bulb.
1-18" Blue actinic.
2-Coralife 2watt LED moonlights.
Can be an expensive hobby, but doesnt have to be.
Be creative, give your fish thier own little heaven, let them live in tranquility.
Fish Kept:
Almost all of my fish are at least F1 if not wild.
Aulonocara jacobfreibergi "Domwe island"
Aulonocara Jacobfreibergi "mamela" "lemon jake"
Aulonocara Jacobfriebergi "Eureka Red"
Aulonocara Jacobfriebergi "Eureka Albino"
Aulonocara Jacobfriebergi "Hongi Island"
Aulonocara maulana "Bi-Color 500"
Aulonocara sp. "Swallowtail"
Aulonocara stuartgranti "Ngara"
Aulonocara stuartgranti "Cobue"
Aulonocara stuartgranti "malerie island"
Aulonocara stuartgranti "red shoulder"
Aulonocara mylandi mylandi
Aulonocara mylandi kandeensis
Aulonocara Lwanda
Protomales steveni "taiwan reef"
Otopharynx Lithobates "Domwe"
Copadichromis Mloto "Ivory Head"
Copadichromis mloto
Lace Rock,
Silk plants.
Tank Size:
210 gallons
"Deserve's got nothin' to do with it"
About Yourself:
HVAC tech by day, aquarist by night. I started a few years ago with a 10gal tank, and grew from there.
I have many tanks ranging from 10gal-210g.
All of my fish are Malawi cichlids. These fish are gorgeous. Colors of these fish are amazing. People think they are saltwater.