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The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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36x18x18 50G Freshwater Goldfish Tank, Aquaclear70 w/ Biofilter & Carbon, 1x36" 30w PowerGLO on a BigBoy Lighting fixture, Aquaclear800 Airpump connected to a Hagen Undergravel Bio-Filter, Internal Thermometer
Just be RELIGIOUS w/ what you're doing! You're taking care of live beings here. Their own well-being depends on your eagerness to learn about how they would exist & thrive in this controlled & unnatural environment. Research water quality, cause & effect of diseases on fishes, etc.
Fish Kept:
2 Blackmoore Telescopic, R/W Fantail Ryukin, Crown Pearlscale, Red Oranda, Redcap Oranda, Black Oranda, Calico Telescopic, Calico Comet & 2 Black-Spotted Pleco Catfish.
Echinodorus Bleheri(Amazon Sword), Echinodorus Macrophillus, Green Wave, Artificial Plants, River Rocks, Lava Rocks.
Tank Size:
50 gallons
To Live Is To Die