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The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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58 Gallon Hagen 120 GeoSystem Kit.
Fluval 404, Magnum 350 with micro filter,AquaClear 70 with quick filter, TurboTwist UV 9w sterilizer.
50 pounds of white aquarium gravel.
Red Lava Rock, plastic plants.
Decided to use a magnum 350 with the micro filter to keep my water clear after a significant algae bloom occurred at a tank age of about 3 months. I installed custom plumbing in the cabinet to incorporate a UV sterilizer in the output of the magnum. Had to split the output to reduce the flow through the UV Sterilizer to its rated gph and not diminish the output of the magnum gph.
Fish Kept:
All African Cichlids. Semi Aggressive Tank.
1 yellow lab.
3 red zebra.
1 hap moori juvenile.
2 hap ali.
2 assorted large cichlids.
1 unknown type...black with vivid blue stripes.
1 large Algae Eater( the type with the spikes on his head)
Red Lava Rock, plastic plants.
Tank Size:
58 gallons
About Yourself:
I'm a Software Developer....I put this tank is in my office about 4 feet from my desk mostly to just brighten up the office. But its a great break from staring at a computer screen 8 hours a day.
Started out looking into a saltwater reef tank.
Decided it was too expensive for a starter tank, so i bought this kit instead.