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This picture looks better than 3.48% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.31
This picture has been rated : 134 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 3.33
More Info
46 gallon tank contains:
1 4" green severum
1 8" sail fin pleco
1 firemouth
3 hatchets
5 quarries
1 zebra
take your time and ask lots of questions - there is no such thing as a stupid question - only those not asked lead to more questions.
Fish Kept:
1 red devil
3 hatchets
1 zerbra
5 quarries
1 sail fin pleco
2 convict
1 firemouth
2 african albino clawed frogs
1 green severum
1 long finned oscar
1 Jack Dempsy
2 albino Oscar's
silk plants, drift wood, decorative stones
Tank Size:
55 gallons
About Yourself:
I currently have 5 freshwater tanks, a 80, 46 bow front, 2 20's and 2 10's. They house multiple fish, including Oscars, Convicts, Severums, hatchets, Jack Dempsey, Peacock Eels, firmouth, and Albino African clawed frogs.