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This picture looks better than 67.37% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.37
This picture has been rated : 122 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
More Info
80 inch x 25 inch x 21 inch with pre-filter. Currently testing various plants for inspiration on scaping the tank. PMDD (yes daily). External sump filteration.
Tank bought from cslwk
Set your goal clearly and works DIRECTLY towards it. Changing goals in between creates difficulty in almost every corner. Experience comes from patience and tests. The longer you're in the better you get. That's the truth !
Fish Kept:
Puntius Denisoni, Harlequie rasbora, Espei Rasbora as main fish and other fishes.
Anubias barteri nana, rotala, UG, flame moss and some other plant on test.
Tank Size:
164 gallons
Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained
About Yourself:
Kinda dragged into it by a friend after amazed by another friend's small tank. Competition winner tanks simply blew me away and pretty much like to create such beautiful nature's tank.
Still a beginner ...... much much more to learn.