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This picture looks better than 33.05% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.86
This picture has been rated : 14 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
United States
I have a 300 penguin marineland filter and a canaster. For my lighting I have a T5 system.
Don't feed every day and change water almost every couple of weeks,
Fish Kept:
1x Mono, 1x Green Scat, 1x Parrot fish, 4x Sunrise Plattys, 2x koi angels, 2x Zebra angels, 2x tequillia sunrise guppys, 2x yellow tail guppys, 2x blue tail guppys, 2x pearl Gouramis, 3x cardinal tetras, 5x rummy nose, 2x Dwarf hatchets, 2x German blue rams, 3x Sterbia cory cats, 1x red-tailed shark, 1x royal pleco, 6x alage eaters, 1x yoyo, 4x peacock rainbowfish.
I have fake plants
Tank Size:
135 gallons
fish are fun
About Yourself:
I have kept fish forever