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This picture looks better than 36.43% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.61
This picture has been rated : 23 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 2.47
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United States
29 Oceanic Bio Cube with added in protein skimmer. Gutted out the bio balls in the refugium and added in crushed coral mixed with live rock.
Have patience, research, and dont rush into anything. Everyone has there own way of running a tank and will give you there advice, personal i know everything i do from my own experiences which might even mean loss. Don't give up!
Fish Kept:
-Pair of True Percula Clownfish
-Six Line Wrasse
-Lawn Mower Blenny
-Blue Coral Banded Shrimp
-Red Bali Starfish
-Anemone Crab
-Sally Lightfoot Crab
-Nassarius Snails
-Astraea Snails
-Bumble Bee Snails
-Bubble Tip Anemone
-Sebae Anemone
-Green Star Polyps
-Hammer / Anchor
-Daisy Polyps
-Pulsing Xenia
Tank Size:
29 gallons
"You live and you learn"
About Yourself:
Got into the hobby from working at a pet store selling fish. Had tanks for 4-5years now and always looking to learn something new! Someday hope to run my own fish store :)