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The Average Score for this category is: 5.63
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10 Gallon tank (18" * 12" * 12")- Lighting is from 5 watts CFL. 2 kind of filtration Power filter and Sponge filter which works alternatively one during day and other during night. Also present is a 250 watts heating equipemnt which maintains the temp around 26 degrees celsuis.
provide a good environment for your fishes.
Fish Kept:
Tank mates includes some hardy fishes - 3 mollies , 3 platies , 4 Rasboras. My Molly fish had fries around 15 , out of which 10 are surviving from past 20 days :)
New addition , one male betta which has occupied a small space in the tank. It has already started building bubble nest :)
some plants like Amazon Sword , Anachronis and one more looks like Mint, but i dont know the name.
Tank Size:
10 gallons
About Yourself:
I am a Software Engineer , presently in Bangalore. I started maintaining a fish tank when i was a 10 years old. In between left it due to my studies , now started again.