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This picture looks better than 89.75% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 6.38
This picture has been rated : 40 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 2.47
More Info
United States
75 gallon bowfront, 2-Hydra26HD LED with 2x48'' sun bright led tubes. 30g sump, 150g protein skimmer. 1000g/hr internal circulation pump, with 5 power heads strategically placed. Recently upgraded to a dosing pump, wow what a difference it makes no more daily dosing.
Research and learn before blowing your money!
Fish Kept:
Fairy Wrasse, Fathead Sunburst Anthias, Dispar Anthias, Leopard Wrasse
60+ species of corals, sps and lps
Tank Size:
75 gallons
Do your research before buying new livestock.
About Yourself:
I am a college student that has progressed through many differnent size aquariums and am working my way up to 200+g.I started out with a bio cube and a 2g mini reef tank. I am quickly out growing my current 75g. I am addicted to this hobby and escape to the aquarium stores when ever I get a chance. Happy reefing....