Photo #11 - 30 Gallon Tank That Is Snail-free Now Except For...

Submitted By: Michele on
Photo Caption: 30 Gallon tank that is snail-free now except for one mystery snail with 6 guppies, 12 mollies, and too many to count platies along with their over-seer Fozzie Bear who is guarding his tank.

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125 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - 30 Gallon tank that is snail-free now except for one mystery snail with 6 guppies, 12 mollies, and too many to count platies along with their over-seer Fozzie Bear who is guarding his tank.
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Rank Info

Ranked #4268 out of 5263 freshwater tanks pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 18.91% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 3.2
This picture has been rated : 150 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13

More Info

State: Mississippi
Country: United States
Description: 125 Gallon, Penguin 330, AquaClear 500, and undergravel filter with 2 power heads.
Advice: Have fun and relax while watching the fish.
Fish Kept: 3 silver dollars, 1 sailfin plecostomus, 2 peppered cory catfish, 1 orange-finned gray botia fish, 2 parrot cichlids, 1 spotted green puffer, 12 orange neon and 8 blue neon tetras, 3 red-eyed tetras, 7 red serpae tetras, 6 fruit tetras, 7 comet fish, about 50 fancy tail guppies, and about 25 mickey mouse platies and about 15 red-whag platies.
Corals/Plants: Artificial plants and a few seashells.
Tank Size: 125 gallons
Quote: If you want something done right, you have to do it your damn self!!!


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