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The Average Score for this picture is: 5.36
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The Average Score for this category is: 5.59
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United States
Mixed Reef tank with 48'' T5 lighting/ 4 bulbs-54 watts each. 20 gallon sump tank w/ macro algae, live rock and protein skimmer rated for up to 110 gallons.
Don't buy the expensive corals in the beginning, it takes months if not years to gain enough experience to not screw them up.
Fish Kept:
28. Yellow Tang
29. Flame Angelfish
30. Midas Blenny
31. Psychedelic Mandarin
32. Six-Line Wrasse
33. Pajama Cardinal Fish
34. Clown Fish (2)
35. Orchid Dotty-Back
36. Cleaner Shrimp
37. Pistol Shrimp
38. Sea Apple
39. Hawaiian Feather Duster
40. Other Feather Duster
41. Snails (multiple)
42. Coco worm
1. Montipora capricornus
2. Pulsating Xenia
3. Toadstool Leather
4. Red Kelp
5. Aussie Acan lordhowensis
a. Bright orange w/ green
b. Pink with white outline
c. Red with green strip
d. Rainbow
e. Mint green w/ bright orange stripes
6. Frogspawn
7. Orange branching spider sponge with white polyps
8. Pearl Bubble Coral
9. Bubble Coral
10. False Rose Anemone
11. Anthelia
12. Neon Green Star Polyps
13. Mushrooms
a. Green Rodactis
b. Red discus
c. Teal with strips discus
d. Metallic
e. Ricordia florida
f. Fuzzy Green Rodactus
g. Fuzzy Purple Rodactus
h. Red with blue strips
i. Flat red dotted
j. Silky reddish/maroon
k. Dotted purple/blue
l. Other mushrooms (left of the tank, behind orange sponge)
14. Yellow Polyps
15. Giant Clam
16. War Coral
17. Sponge
a. White
b. Pink
c. Green/Yellow
d. Ball Sponge
18. Zooanthids
a. Green
b. Multi-colored
19. Reddish-brown Palythoa
20. Green Palythoa
21. Periwinkle Polyps
22. Green favia
23. Green Acropora
24. Multi colored brain coral
25. Purple and green chalice
26. Lobophylia green w/ purple
27. Lobophylia purple w/ orange outline
Tank Size:
75 gallons
About Yourself:
I am a college student, I started off with a 20 gallon tank with live rock and a freshwater filter. I soon realized if I was gonna have any kind of life in my tank I would need to invest in better equipment; I upgraded to a 38 gallon tank and bought a crappy Nano Remora protein skimmer. After three years of learning and messing things up, I have a 75 gallon tank with a sump tank, and some pretty awesome corals.