More Info
1 - 55 gal ( 48x13x21)
1 - AquaClear 110 HOB filter,
1 - 35 gallon HOB power filter,
1 - AquaClear 50 Powerhead,
1 - 300 watt Submersible professional heater,
2- 40 gallon air pumps with foot long bubbler bars attached.
Sit back, Enjoy, Relax - It does take a while to get into the fish hobby properly - you will make mistakes at the beginning, just remember those mistakes and learn from them. I myself find that keeping a good water flow works best to circulate the water. One hint that works well, you want to get AT LEAST double or higher water filtration, so you want to make sure your filter is cycling the tank twice per hour this will ensure clean and healthy tank. Always have adequate airflow in the tank keeping in mind that @ 80 deg F oxygenation is at max, and at higher temperature oxygen is robbed of the water.
Fish Kept:
Tank #1:
1 - Electric Yellow Cichlid,,
1 - Marbled Angel Fish,
1 - Common Pleco,
1 - Senegal Bichir
2- YoYo Loach
2 - Assasin Snail
8 - Tiger Barbs (, 1 strawberry, 1 chamelion tiger who changes between red nose/black body to silver grey with black stripes)
Tank #2:
12 - Harlequin Rasbora,
2 - Red Zebra Danios,
6 - Zebra Danios,
2 - Yoyo Loach,
3 - Khuli Loach,
1 - Cosby Blue Gourami,
5 - Silver Dollars,
1 - Red Female Swordtail molly.
1 - Wild Celery plant -
Other assorted artificial plants
1- Fake Skull,
Fake Tree roots
Tank Size:
55 gallons
Gain if you lose, lose if you gain.
About Yourself:
I never thought I would be "HOOKED" on the aquarium hobby, but here I am, addicted. I have 2 - 55 gallon tanks now and i started out with just one 29 gallon. I remember when i was younger, the bank had a great fish tank with sucker fish and goldfish and angelfish etc, i dont remember all that was in there. Also, there was a big tank in the Dairy Queen that had a bunch of fish and a massive bala shark. I would just stare forever at them as they darted around and i would get lost in it.
Love my tanks and enjoy the many hours of just losing myself in the tank just watching them.