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This picture looks better than 49.05% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.29
This picture has been rated : 21 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
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United States
29g with Coralife 1X65W 6700K Freshwater Aqualight, Marineland C-160 Canister filter, Seachem Fluorite substrate. I use a mix of Tetracolor flakes, Hikari gold small cichild pellet, spirulina flakes, and frozen bloodworms.
Do lots of research on what you plan to keep or grow as well as equipment.
Fish love live or frozen food! It helps their coloration and growth. But don't feed it exclusively.
Fish Kept:
At one time or another:
Glossolepsus incisus - Red Rainbowfish
Melanotaenia boesmani - Boesmani Rainbowfish
Melanotaenia australis - Western Rainbowfish
Pangio kuhlii - Kuhli Loach
Trichogaster trichopterus - Gold Gourami (3 Spot)
Epalzeorhynchos kalopterus - Flying Fox
At one point or another:
Aponogeton ulvaceus
Anubias nana
Water Sprite
Narrow Leaf Ludwigia
Amazon Sword
Dwarf Sagittarius
Vallisneria - these got OUT OF CONTROL
Giant Hairgrass
Tank Size:
29 gallons