Rank Info
This picture looks better than 70.57% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5
This picture has been rated : 11 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.59
More Info
United States
92 gallon bow front aquarium
ASM G-1X 100 gallon skimmer and sump
Current 36" orbit 4x65W Lunar lights and fan
Jalli 500W titanium heater
Patience is everything, it wil take several months to get everything settled.
Fish Kept:
3 green chromis
3 scissor tail gobies
1 purple firefish gobie
2 firefish gobies
3 neon blue damsels
1 oscelaris clown
1 flameback angel
1 sally light foot
1 emerald green crab
1 sandsifter starfish
1 peppermint shrimp
1 spotted mandarin
1 derasa clam
3 orange ricordia
1 green ricordia
1 blue ricordia
1 green maze coral
1 hammer coral
1 candy cane
1 torch coral
1 bubble coral
Numerous assorted mushrooms
1 toadstool
2 green zoa
1 green star polyp
1 pulsing xenia
assorted yellow polyps
frog spawn
Tank Size:
92 gallons
About Yourself:
At home consultant who got into fish as a new hobby and fell in love with it. After taking a break, once the kids left the house, I got back into this great hobby that I love.