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This picture looks better than 3.3% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.3
This picture has been rated : 115 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 3.33
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United States
Fluval 205 canister filter,Power-Glo 18000k, Aquaclear heater, live sand (have to check on specs of these items)
Absolutely NO advice, new to this. Good story though, my son was diagnosed with a brain tumor when he was four (he is now 9). 3 major surgeries and radiation later his neurosurgeon sponsored him to get a Make-A-Wish. His wish was a Nemo tank. Now I know everyone is cringing but we are getting alot of help and I am really enjoying the research (although, and this is the only insight I have so far, there is alot of conflicting info. out there which has been very challenging for me. I suppose one has to check out their references pretty well). Have to profess my love for Petland in Carmel, Indiana, they are wonderful and deserve alot of credit for their relationship with Make-A-Wish. Brian is Awesome!
Fish Kept:
Taking our time, tank has cycled and I added 2 emerald crabs yesterday. Plan to let them relax for a while and then add 2 clowns. (that will be the extent of the "Nemo" tank.) I think I have a good list of potential fish, all compatible and very docile. Just want a happy tank.
Added a Lawnmower Blenny
all fakies
Tank Size:
38 gallons