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This picture looks better than 14.53% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.07
This picture has been rated : 249 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United Kingdom
My tank is a small, 11 litre water home 3, plastic fishtank. I'm not allowed a bigger tank or a tropical tank as 'It puts the electric bills up.' Being 17 and living at home begging for a bigger tank just doesn't work so i gave up and tryed to make the most of my 11 litre Waterhome 3. I'v put a Fluval 1 in as the trickle system filter was smelling bad and i hated it - i always stick by my Fluval's! Normal 15W light that came with tank and a small air pump pumping out a line of bubbles along the back of the tank. Plastic plants, loads of plain gravel, small cobbles and an ornamental driftwood makes my tank look lovely for a small, rather restricted basic goldfish tank.
I'm just starting out and love fish so the only advice I can dish out it PATIENCE REALLY IS A VIRTUE! Nitrite and ammonia really do have to be non existant for a healthy tank! Pump in that Nutrafin Cycle and wait!
Fish Kept:
10 Small Spotted Coldwater Plecs
2 Boggle Eyed Fantails
1 Boggle Eyed Blackmoor
10 Clawed Dwarf Frogs
1 Cardinal Tetra - Hides in Plants For Obvious Reasons - Poor Git.
Plastic! Can't die but gets plastered in algae.
Tank Size:
3 gallons
About Yourself:
I work in a petshop and the more I learnt about fish, the more i wanted them! When i finally wormed my way into the crappy little 11 litre plasic tank that i have now, i tryed my hardest to make it as beautiful as all of yours.