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This picture looks better than 14.67% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.26
This picture has been rated : 65 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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Where to start.
#1 - I can't stress how important this is! RESEARCH your fish before you buy them! Don't go to the store, and say, oooh, that's pretty! and throw it in your tank without knowing what it eats, what type of water conditions it needs, how big it gets, how aggressive it is, what it can be kept with, etc!
#2 - kind of like #1 - Make sure your fish aren't too big for your tank. And I don't mean when you buy them at the store, all of 1" big; I mean a year from then when they're over a foot. For example: that pretty little oscar in the store is a baby, you cannot keep it in anything less than a 55gal tank, by itself, when it gets bigger.
Fish Kept:
All fish listed in this tank. I also have 7 other tanks, which together house:
1 11" male Midas cichlid
1 9" male Midas cichlid
1 4" female Flowerhorn cichlid
11 Convict cichlids
1 Green Severum cichlid
1 Gold Severum
1 Firemouth cichlid
12 Mbweca afra cichlids
1 Greshakei cichlid
1 Albino Greshakei
5 goldfish
2 male Bettas
About a million baby Labs and Lumbilas
Tank Size:
55 gallons