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The Average Score for this category is: 5.67
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United States
200gal, (84"x24"Dx30"H); T5 lighting, Protein Skimmer, chiller, 40gal refugium; Reef has been up and running for 8 plus years
Research as much as you can and have a plan. Try not to do things on the fly and think through what you need to do to be successful with anything you will have in your micro reef. This tank has been up and running since 2003. Most of the corals are a number of generations from the originals. Most of the fish are 8 to 12 years old. Growth in the tank is very fast and corals must be harvested every 6 to 12 months to prevent over crowding.
Fish Kept:
Yellow Tang, Flame Hawk, Chromis, Clown Fish, assorted damsel, Rabbit Fish
Other invertebrates: Cleaner shrimp, chestnut cowrie, royal urchin, blue linka starfish, snails, black brittle star
Platgyra (Brain), Yellow Sinularia, Colt Coral, Euphyllia (Frogspawn, Anchor varieties), Capenella, Sarcophyton, Caulastrea, Anthelia, green star polyps, Assorted mushrooms, lobbophytum, Turbiania, Yellow Polyps
Tank Size:
200 gallons
About Yourself:
I have been a part of the reef culture for over 15 years. This is my second reef tank. I started with a 75 gallon tank in which I learned a lot before having the luck of getting this 200 plus tank. My original goal when I set up this micro reef was that every coral could be reproduced providing tank raised, hardy and colorful corals to the hobby. The tank has been successful to that goal.