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This picture looks better than 40.63% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.54
This picture has been rated : 118 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.99
More Info
Aqueon corner model 92 gallons.
Solid pine stand and custom made canopy.
Double ballast lighting, one actinic (blue colour) and one white to create a natural, bluish hue.
Go as big as you can afford - it truly is easier to maintain a bigger aquarium than a little 10 or 20 gallon set up.
Fish Kept:
Angelfish (5)
Halequin rasbora (10)
Serpae tetra (9)
White-tip tetra (5)
Silver-tip tetra (9)
Black skirt tetra (3)
Chinese algea eaters (5)
Panda Cory (2)
Yo-yo botia (loach) 1
Variety of freshwater plants.
Tank Size:
92 gallons
About Yourself:
Avid runner and fish enthusiast.