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This picture looks better than 0.04% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 1.26
This picture has been rated : 27 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
tank is a 4ft x 18in x 14in, its running a 4ft single low output light and a double 2ft high output reflector, the filtration is a fluval 305 canister filter and is being heated by a 150watt heater, i have a red sea co2 bio system running 10 hours of the day and a healthy cocktail of plant supplements including iron, trace , excel and comprehensive plant food all made by seachem.
be very patient, dont over stock and always remember that biological function creates low maintinence, time and patients again is a major key to having a successful tank set up
Fish Kept:
3 neon tetras,2 pakastani loach's, 1 red tail rainbow shark, 3 betta's
8 flying foxes and 3 bristle nose catfish, 10 cardinal tetras and 7 bloodfin tetras
various plants inc, riccia, thin val, chain swords, hair grass, echino red devil,fontanalis, liliopsis, pink baby tears, anubias nana, anubias hybrid, blexia and curly val.
Tank Size:
50 gallons
here fishie fishie....lol
About Yourself:
i enjoy my hobby alot and i have about 7 tanks set up including betta breeding, freshwater australian natives, saltwater marine and tropical planted, i always want a new challenge and love the peaceful vibe that comes from the underwater world.