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United States
72 gallon bow front that was started in Dec 2004. I started keeping corals in March 2006 and have been slowing adding since then. I have 440watt VHO lighting with about 16X turnover on flow. I plan to mod my maxijets to obtain more flow. I have a 15gallon sump with a DIY skimmer that i made in October 2005. I also have a Paficic Coast 1/10 HP Chiller that keeps my tank at 79 degrees.
Regular waterchanges i do mine once a week (10gallons), read before you buy, plan ahead on what you want to keep in the tank and where the tank will go. Test your water regularly also to make sure that your levels in your tank are stable. The best test kits to buy are Salifert in my opinion. Like my quote says dont let small things get you down just keep at it and you will be happy with the end results.
Orange and Blue Zoes, Yellow Polyps, Green Star Polyps, Gorgonians, Kenya Tree Coral, Purple and Green Mushrooms, Orange and Green Monti Caps, Red Candy Cane, Orange Button Polyps, Blue/Red Zoes, Green Brain, Red Cynarina, Xenias, Giant Cup Mushroom, Red Mushrooms, Finger Leather,
Tank Size:
72 gallons
If at first you dont succeed, dust yourself off and try again.