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The Average Score for this category is: 4.89
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United Kingdom
65 gallon rena tank,deltec mce300 skimmer,phosban reactor 150,2 wave seio pumps for water flow,300w heater,uv,eheim filter for carbon,8 54w t5s 6 coral light and 2 actinic bulbs are all korallen zuct.de, 20% water changes each month using ro and wave optimum sea professional salt.
nitrate 0.3
phosphate 0.0
temperature 76~80
calcium 410ppm
magnesium 1350ppm
Fish Kept:
1 bicolor angel,1 juvenile imperator angel,1 regal tang,1purple tang,1 flame fin tomini tang,1 fire clown,2 percula clowns,2 chromis,1 yellow goby 1 caribbean blue tang 1 dancing shrimp,1 cleaner shrimp,1 black urchin, 15 blue leg hermit crabs,15 turbo snails.
pulse coral,blue pulse coral,various leathers,green star polyps,silver star polyps,clove polyps,button polyps,yellow polyps,green mushrooms,purple mushrooms,4 dunconopsammia axifuga,
just starting to venture into sps so watch this space.
Tank Size:
65 gallons
"I keep an imperater angel in a reef tank"