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This picture looks better than 91.3% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.85
This picture has been rated : 13 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
My tank is 5' x 18" x 26'. I'm running an Eheim 2260 canister filter with a Just added a
Hydor Koralia 4 (1200GPH), one of the best investments I've put into my tank. I use an Emeim in line surface skimmer with a secondary intake for pulling the water out at one end and exhaust at the other end of the tank (making sure all the water gets cycled). I'm lighting it with 2 - 4' Power Glow fluorescent bulbs (I had 4 in my 55 gal, but without plants 2 do just fine). I have two heaters (one at either end for more even heat and as a back-up, just in case).
I have 250 lbs + of Texas Lace Rock sitting on a crushed coral base.
The tank rests on a custom made 1/4' angle iron stand, I used old barn board for doors.
Clean water... Happy fish!
Fish Kept:
Mixed African Cichlids.
Tank Size:
120 gallons
About Yourself:
Just started with Chiclids about a month ago. I'll be updating these images in another month or so after I get the fish population up.