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This picture looks better than 3.11% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 2.5
This picture has been rated : 16 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
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it is a 30 gallon 2.5 by 1.5 feet dimensions, around 110litres . It has 2 double pumps with one filter.their are 4 decorations with attached air stones and their is one bubble wand also i got a led light along with bubble maker attatched, other are all fake plants included.
search for evry fish properly before buying them.Most people have an impression that fishes die due to keeping in tanks, dont let their beleif encouraged.
Fish Kept:
goldfish(common) two oranda red cap, one lionhead, two tiger sharks, two ghost angelfishes, two white carps, two snails,one black moore and one glass fish
Tank Size:
30 gallons
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About Yourself:
i jus started this hobby ,its been months back i bought my first bowl with gouramis..i hope i,ll go much further in breeding and keeping successfully all types of fish..