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The Average Score for this category is: 3.33
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United States
I have a 20 gallon high with a 65 watt, current satelite with lunar light. I have a visa-jet-ps100 protein skimmer and a whisper 20 hang on filter. I have about 30 lbs. of live rock and fake rock and about 20lbs. of substrate.
Do water changes every 2 weeks (I do one every week). Do as much research as you can before you buy anything. consider buying a protein skimmer because when I didn't have one, my nitrates were passed 100 ppm and the next day they were around 40 ppm. This is a very expensive hobby so you better have a lot of cash. DO NOT OVERSTOCK YOUR TANK!!!!! It will just lead to disaster.
Fish Kept:
2 False Perculas, a yellow watchman goby, twin spot goby, coral banded shrimp, 15 blue legged hermit crabs. 6 margarita snails
1 pink tipped anemone, encrusted gorgonian coral, umbrella mushroom
Tank Size:
20 gallons
About Yourself:
I am 15 years old and I started freshwater about a year ago but switched to saltwater and it just became an obsession. My dad got me into it and wished he didn't because I need so much money from him. I don't work because I just mooch off my dad. I have a twin brother and my best friend who are also obsessed.