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This picture looks better than 6.34% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.16
This picture has been rated : 184 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
More Info
size = 24 inch x 12 inch x 18 inch
Water = 78L
lighting =2x18W Light plant Growth 12,000K
DIY CO2 system.
Filter = Atman EF-2
ADA Substrates
do refer to the guides and stuff on the internet. just simply putting the fish in a tank and looking at it is not all. u have to take proper care of the fishes and always keep a look for diseases.
Fish Kept:
Tetras, Ghost, Talking catfish, Flying fox. neon
Jawa moss, Hair Grass, Anubias
Tank Size:
21 gallons
About Yourself:
well... actually my dad started this while i was very young. so since my childhood iv been near a fish tank. now my dad doesnt have a freshwater fish tank he have a huge salt water tank. i started this hobby by getting a pair of gold fish in a bowl to my wife as a gift. so here im now. i am thinking of making a huge tank now :P