Photo #1 - My Pipe Fish, "pin Stripe Pipe"

saltwater fish - doriorhamphus dactyliophorus - banded pipefish stocking in 80 gallons tank - My Pipe Fish, "Pin Stripe Pipe"
80 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - It's an 80 gallon flat bed tank we got from a shop that they had gotten custom. About 100 lbs of liverock and a homemade sump w UV but W/O protein skimmer. It's pretty much self contained, we just put in additives and some frozen shrimp and do rare water changes to avoid build up of stuff from evaporation. Sea horses, a pipe fish, an abundance of inverts, and more, we even have a population of about 30 little snails that were born in the tank.196 watts o' light. Sorry it's just a close up cropped picture, and not a full tank shot.
My Pipe Fish, "Pin Stripe Pipe"
Submitted By: Parsons on
Photo Caption: My Pipe Fish, "Pin Stripe Pipe"

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saltwater fish - doriorhamphus dactyliophorus - banded pipefish stocking in 80 gallons tank - My Pipe Fish, "Pin Stripe Pipe"
80 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - It's an 80 gallon flat bed tank we got from a shop that they had gotten custom. About 100 lbs of liverock and a homemade sump w UV but W/O protein skimmer. It's pretty much self contained, we just put in additives and some frozen shrimp and do rare water changes to avoid build up of stuff from evaporation. Sea horses, a pipe fish, an abundance of inverts, and more, we even have a population of about 30 little snails that were born in the tank.196 watts o' light. Sorry it's just a close up cropped picture, and not a full tank shot.

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Ranked #849 out of 1581 saltwater fish pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 46.3% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 4.87
This picture has been rated : 46 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 2.47

More Info

State: California
Country: United States
Description: It's an 80 gallon flat bed tank we got from a shop that they had gotten custom. About 100 lbs of liverock and a homemade sump w UV but W/O protein skimmer. It's pretty much self contained, we just put in additives and some frozen shrimp and do rare water changes to avoid build up of stuff from evaporation. Sea horses, a pipe fish, an abundance of inverts, and more, we even have a population of about 30 little snails that were born in the tank.196 watts o' light. Sorry it's just a close up cropped picture, and not a full tank shot.
Advice: Start small.
Fish Kept: -
Corals/Plants: -
Tank Size: 80 gallons
Quote: -
About Yourself: -


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