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This picture looks better than 65.47% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.82
This picture has been rated : 28 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.59
More Info
United States
65g acrylic bowfront with 150w 14k Halide - Circulation: Total 1895gph, protein skimmer, 75 lbs LR and 60 lbs live sand, heater, 30g sump/refugium in process of being built
Take your time and do the research first!
Fish Kept:
Ocellaris Clowns (2), Green Chromis (2), Coral Beauty, Cleaner Shrimp, Peppermint Shrimp, Black Brittle Star, Nassarius Snails (9), Turbo Snails (2), Blue Legged Hermit Crabs (20), Cerith Snails (5)
Stylophora (yellow/green), Pipe Organ Coral, Ricordia (blue/green. orange/blue, pink), Frogspawn (green/purple), Hammer Coral (purple/green), Bullseye Mushroom, Striped Mushroom, Palythoas, Zoanthids (Looney Toons, Tubs blue, Radioactive, Dragons Eye, orange/green, brown/orange, pink/orange, Caulastrea (blue, green), Green Star Polyps, Rhodactis Mushrooms
Tank Size:
65 gallons
About Yourself:
I already want to upgrade to a 90/120g :(
Cuz this one ain't drilled!!