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This picture looks better than 7.95% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 2.9
This picture has been rated : 20 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
United States
DIY tank, tank stand, and lighting
Tank specs: 3/8" tempered glass 48"LX24"HX32"W, 160G/605L
Lighting: 4-6700K t5's 4-3500K t5's 2-4 lamp ballasts lights switched by two's to gradually increase lighting, DIY light fixture
Substrate: flourite, schultz aquatic plant soil, eco-complete, sand top-layer
Flitration: 2- 330gph HOB filters, 2-170gph powerheads w/ filter media, 9w UV sterilizer
Heating: 2-300w heaters
Be paiteint, research, and take your time get it right the first time.
DIY is fun. You will appreciate it more when you have put your sweat into it.
Research every item you plan to put in the tank before you put it in.
Mistakes happen and can be fixed, but they can be avoided. Don't make something you'll get bored with.
Fish Kept:
Banjo Catfish, 3- Pictus cats, 2-Siamese Alge Eaters, Red-tail Shark, Rainbow Shark, 10- Serpae Tetras, 3-Cukoo Catfish, 3-Debauwi Catfish...more to come.
Jungle Val., Moneywort, Cabcomba, Red Ludwiga, Green Mondo Grass, Frill, Java Moss, Amazon Sword, Queen Marble Sword, Crypt Balansae, Dwarf Sags, Java Fern, Ludwiga Repens, Pennywort, Bleheri, Anubias Nana, Melon Sword.
Tank Size:
160 gallons