Photo #1 - This Is My Aquarium. It Is Only 28 Litres, But I...

fish tank picture - This is my aquarium. It is only 28 litres, but is very beautiful and I am very excited to display it here. It is coldwater and I shall be purchasing a large corner set up for Tropical soon were I intend to keep Tetras and Platy.
7 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - picture 2
This is my aquarium. It is only 28 litres, but is very beautiful and I am very excited to display it here. It is coldwater and I shall be purchasing a large corner set up for Tropical soon were I intend to keep Tetras and Platy.
Submitted By: Mark Woodford on
Photo Caption: This is my aquarium. It is only 28 litres, but is very beautiful and I am very excited to display it here. It is coldwater and I shall be purchasing a large corner set up for Tropical soon were I intend to keep Tetras and Platy.
fish tank picture - This is my aquarium. It is only 28 litres, but is very beautiful and I am very excited to display it here. It is coldwater and I shall be purchasing a large corner set up for Tropical soon were I intend to keep Tetras and Platy.
7 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - picture 2

More Info

Country: United Kingdom
Description: Aquastart 320 28 lts. pl lighting built into hood, aquaone filter, used for coldwater fish at the moment of which I have 4. Chocolate fantail, Goldfish, Shubunkin and Yellow/white Comet. Also have 3 plants in back of tank and lighthouse feature with working waterwheel operated by airpump.
Advice: Keep on top of your aquatic life, they are living creatures just like us and MUST be treated as such!! Filters MUST be kept in pristine condition and the cheapest may seem great, but for how long? We love our aquatic life, but dont be too tempted to keep getting"just one more fish" It soon becomes overcrowded, leading to numerous future trouble.
Fish Kept: Coldwater stock at present
Corals/Plants: Elodea Crispa. I have 3 bunches and I personally find them to be one of the best oxygenators, they do however shed a little, so do skim the loose leaves off the surface with your net. Dead easy, dont be put off!!!
Tank Size: 7 gallons
Quote: If it ain't broke, don't fix it!!
About Yourself: I am Mark. I live in Wirral, England, UK and I am half Swedish. I am 34(almost)!!! And live alone with my aquatic life and my Cat Jodie!!! iIhave a partner who lives in Liverpool and life is fab!!!!! I have always adored aquariums and in general aquatic life since being a very young child when my Mum and Dad got me a goldfish!!! My partner also has a tropical set up.


nice little tank :) fish avatar arthur


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