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United States
Just set up 40 gallon breeder salt tank. It will soon be a reef tank when I get my lights this tuesday. This is my first salt water tank. I have a rena xp filter, an octapus BH-100 protien skimmer (not in picture), and three powerheads. I am still perfecting my setup at this point.
Its fun as hell but expensive as hell.
Fish Kept:
1 flame angel fish, 1 maroon w/ white stripe clown, 2 blue green chromidas damsels, 1 three stripe damsel, 2 blue damsels, 4 nasarius snails, 2 turbo snails, 7 hermit crabs.
none yet. about 50-60 lbs of live rock in it at this point.
Tank Size:
40 gallons