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The Average Score for this picture is: 6.67
This picture has been rated : 9 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.43
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United States
125 gallon in wall with 55 gallon refugium, auto top off, Turboflotor Skimmer, homemade filter box,2 Koralia #4's, 2 Koralia #2's 1200 gph overflow, 1/3 hp Current USA chiller, 72" Current Outer Orbit with 3 150 watt Metal Halides, 8 39 watt Dual Actinic 4@460nm 4@420nm, 12 white lunar moon lights and 12 lunar blue lights 140 lbs. fiji live rock
You can't read enough!!!!
Keep up with water changes!!!!
Fish Kept:
Purple Tang, Yellow Tang, Blue Green Chromis, 2 Tank Bred Ocellaris clownfish, lyretail anthias,2 pepperment Shrimp, 2 scarlet skunk cleaner Shrimp, tuxedo Urchin and the clean-up crew started out with 45 Scarlet Reef Hermits, 45 Dwarf Blue Leg Hermits, 45 Astraea Turbo Snails and 30 Nassarius Snails but who knows how many there are now
Green Hairy Mushroom, 8 different color variation zoas fruit loops, tubbs blue, orange bam bam, tye dye,forgot the names of the others purple death palys 2 frogspawns, blasto, lobo, brain, 4 acans, 4 chalices,bleeding apple scolyma,
pumping zenia, 1 polyp dendro,long tentical anemone, bubble tip anemone , various mushrooms and an unknown sps
Tank Size:
125 gallons
About Yourself:
Had freshwater tanks since I was a kid and just set up my 1st salt tank about 3 years ago

When the sun sets and the moon rises, the reef doesn't go silent - a whole new group of inhabitants comes out to play.