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This picture looks better than 3.31% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
38 Gallon all-glass fish tank. Eheim Ecco 2236, yager 150 watt heater. Neptunes natural gravel. Various real rock from landscape yard. Fake plant.Corallife t-5 lighting. So far 2 Dalmation Molly's. Tank has been up and running for 3 days. I plan to add 1 or 2 more plants and more fish after the cycling process.
Research and dont be cheap on filtration! Plan ahead and don't rush. Pay attention to details and research on the internet and books for ideas and options.
Fish Kept:
I plan to keep 5 cory cats, 2 angels, 3 guoramis, and 7 red tetras. 1 drwarf pleco.
some natural rocks from my local landscape yard super cheap. 21 pounds for $5. way cheaper than the fish store.
Tank Size:
38 gallons
About Yourself:
Part time student/retail sales specialist