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This picture looks better than 40.67% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.72
This picture has been rated : 18 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 2.47
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United States
20 Gallon Nano Tank, 24W Actinic - 24W Coralight, Hydor Koralia 1, LED Lunar Lights, 25LBs Live Rock.
Tank is 2 years old, and about 4 months ago it crashed. Since then I have been working to bring it back. Lost all the corals but the fish did alright. It's back up and running water is right were it should be. I'm just about ready to start adding corals again.
Keep track of your water.
Fish Kept:
Green Chromis, Yellow Strip Maroon Clown, Yellow Watchmen Goby, Red Leg Hermits, Blue Leg Hermits, Astrea Snails, Green Leg Hermits, Coral Banded Shrimp, Tuxedo Urchin, Tan Feather Duster.
None Currently, Did have Mushrooms, Sponges, Bubble Tip Anemone.
Tank Size:
20 gallons
"The People Should Not Be Afraid of their Government, The Government Should Be Afraid of it's People."
About Yourself:
I raise show poultry and dairy goats on a small farm. I've had a saltwater tank for about 2 years, started about 8 months ago with my first nano tank.