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This picture looks better than 60.9% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.61
This picture has been rated : 46 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
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United States
I have 6 freshwater tanks, a 72 Gallon Bowfront Tank, (2) 55 Gallon Tanks, 29 Gallon Tank, 10 Gallon Tank, and a 5 Gallon Tank.
Learn what cycling your tank is before adding fish! Research for compatible tankmates. Do not use test strips to check levels. Drop test are much better. Keep nitrates between 20-30 with weekly water changes. Over "mothering" your fish is no good either, because people tend to treat with too many medications. Believe me, I did it in the past. If your fish are healthy DO NOT change anything, no matter who tells you to change.
Fish Kept:
Fancy Goldfish!!! Orandas, Ranchus, & Moors are my favorite!!! I have Large Comet Goldfish. An Albino Clawed Frog. Catfish: Pimelodus Blochii, Striped Raphael, & 3 Corydoras. I also have Gouramis, Guppies, & Bettas. They are not all in one tank!!!! I have 6 different freshwater tanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Plastic & Silk
Tank Size:
72 gallons
Bigger is better when it comes to the size of a fish tank!!!!!!!!